Monday, January 21, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This my first time posting on Menu Plan Monday. I normally just fly by the seat of my pants. Organization does not come naturally for me...I have to work at it! So, in an effort to save money, organize my shopping and know before 4pm what I'm serving for dinner that night, I'm going to plan my menu for the week. Here goes:

Monday:Marinated Pork Chops,Broiled Potatoes,Applesauce

Tuesday: Baked Flounder, Sweet Potato Fries, hush puppies

Thursday: Roasted Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

Friday: Mexican Meatloaf (in the freezer) Mac & Cheese, green beans

Saturday: Spaghetti and Garlic Bread

Sunday: Hot Dogs and chips

Check out other menu plans at


DEHausfrau said...

Welcome to MPM! The pizza looks great, do you actually make your own crust? Thanks for sharing. Check my MPM out if you get a chance and have a great week.

Laura said...

Hello, your menu looks awesome! Welcome to MPM and thanks for joining us!!


Cynthia Matzat said...

Welcome to Menu Plan Monday. Your menu and recipes look great. Thanks for sharing!

Killlashandra said...

I'll have to try your mexican meatloaf. Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)

vicvic said...

That Roasted Tomato Soup looks great! Did you try the mac-n-cheese? If you did, I hope you liked it! We had it last night, too.